If I"m doing homework, actually I"m learning or studying? If I"m at the university, actually I"m learning or studying?

I"m confused of that, and always I don"t know what is the right word to choose. Is it a matter of personal choosing and everyone can choose what he wants of these two?


It makes more sense to me if someone says "I study Physics in XYZ University." than "I learn Physics in XYZ University."

Look at one more example. "I have learnt how to calculate 1+1 today in school." "I have studied how to calculate 1+1 today in school."The first one seems to thocketoanthue.edu.vn people one has successfully obtained a certain skill, which the second does not thocketoanthue.edu.vn.

I would say "learn" refers to gaining a certain new skill in mind while "study" refers to a relatively longer process for understanding something. If I were to prepare a coming examination in my room, I would choose "study" because I assume I have learnt everything I need in that semester.



Studying is the action that causes to learning. In other words, after you study you get the learning. As you can see in the following citation:

"As you study, you are making chocketoanthue.edu.vn connections like these that solidify memories and permit learning to occur." (Cambhocketoanthue.edu.vn Biology, 10th Edition, p.93)



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